Originally shared at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Statesboro on September 14,2014 by Rev. Jane Page
Story for All Ages – Stone Soup
I invite you to think of the last time you gave a gift that was significant and meaningful both to you and to the folks or organizations receiving the gift.
Some of you may have thought about something you did yesterday – and others may have had to stretch your memories a little. Because I’m a minister, I am BLESSED to see wonderful outcomes of the gifts that I share every day. And I’m so appreciative of that opportunity. But I also remember some very special times in my life history, and I’m going to share one of those stories with you today.

Now of course as
I got older and became more involved in my school activities, I played with my
dolls less, but I still had them all lined up in my room and would include them
in special parties with the neighborhood girls.
We would sit at our table and our dolls would have their own little
table. I pulled this picture off the
internet. My doll’s table wasn’t that
fancy. I’m sharing all of this with you
so that you will understand my gift to the Baptist Children’s Home and why it
was special.
We received word
at First Baptist that the children at the Georgia Baptist children’s home
needed toys – and that volunteers would repair them and get them in good
condition so that these children would have Christmas presents. I must have been about 10 at the time. I came home, made sure my dolls were clean
and their hair was combed, got a big box, and carefully laid my babies in the
box. I saved out two special dolls that
were in poor condition – Tiny Tears and Suzie with the broken leg. (Tiny Tears now fills in for Jesus every year when we have our Christmas Pageant).
And then, after they were carefully laid in the box, I put that big box
atop my red wagon and pulled it to the church.
This was not just a hand-me-down activity. This was a gift of love from my heart. A big gift.
A gift for the greater good that we Baptists were striving for at the
Children’s home. I did not cry or have
sadness with my gift. I was so happy to
be able to give generously.
Since that time,
I try to recapture that same spirit in my giving of time, talents, and treasure
to the greater good. And although I give
to other good causes, I find that my greatest blessings as a giver come when I
give to that greater good that this congregation and Unitarian Universalism
represents as we Stand on the Side of Love in this community and in the
world. This is the place where we
receive spiritual sustenance and grow those values in ourselves and in our
children that make us better givers with other causes. This congregation should be where we give our
greatest gifts.
And most
Unitarian Universalists have the resources to make meaningful gifts. But unlike other faith communities, many
Unitarian Universalists treat their congregations as just another charity –
like NPR or something. Although
Unitarian Universalists are near the top in average income, we are dead last in
our giving.
Say what? Yes!
Unitarian Universalists are near the top in average income, we are dead last in
our giving among 23 major faith traditions in the United States. (From Spiritual Truths, General Assembly
Providence, RI – Rev. Val Weller)
Statistics show
that folks with lower incomes give a greater percentage to charity. (See Bama Group Research) And while most
faith traditions challenge folks to tithe, we have very low expectations. We
tend to have a fatalistic view of what we can do. But I’m an evangelist for the LOVE that we
stand for!
So like the
prophet of old—I’m going to Stand on the Side of Love – and shout out that we
can do better. We can be a part of a
congregation that truly can live our principles and values, but we can’t think
of that congregation in the same way that we consider the neighborhood
restaurant – where we go and pay a fee to be served. As Rev. Eric Wickstron reminds us, we need to give up the consumer mind set and begin to think of ourselves instead as shareholders, investors, and co-owners in what happens in our congregation..
Yes, the congregation is YOURS, a fellowship to nurture your own spiritual growth and that
of others –including our wonderful children -- both internally and
beyond. And to do that we all need to
share our time, talents, - and yes – our treasure.
I truly believe
that with our new home and increased visibility and space for increased
activities, we truly are standing on the edge of something great. We can be more than a little light in a tiny
chalice. We can be a lighthouse – a
beacon of Love shining out in this community.
But for the light to shine, we need your gifts.
I’m not going to
suggest that you give a Tithe, though some do strive to do that as a spiritual
practice. But I do think that most of us
can begin moving – if we haven’t already – to that 5% level of giving. My dad used to say that we shouldn’t do
anything (excuse the expression) half-assed.
And some would consider asking for 5% to be just that. But I know that since folks do give to other
good charitable organizations – 5% may be a more appropriate goal for you to
strive for. Some of you can’t do that
all at once – but perhaps you could begin with giving 3%. Whatever you give will be honored and appreciated. And if you have no money to give – that’s
okay too! Because we also need for
everyone to give of their time and talents as they are able to do so.
Now we have to be
careful when we ask folks to give of their time and talent. Because some folks readily give and give and
then get burned out and leave us. And we
don’t want folks to leave!
We want them to
stay with us and be renewed by others.
You know – some folks say that leading Unitarian Universalists is like
herding cats. But I don’t like that
analogy. I prefer referencing a flock of
geese as a metaphor for a UU congregation, because there are lots of lessons we
can learn from geese. I’ve shared this
before – but it’s worth repeating these lessons (originally shared by Milton Olson.
As each goose
flaps its wings it creates an "uplift" for the birds that follow. By
flying in a "V" formation, the whole flock adds 71% greater flying
range than if each bird flew alone.
People who share
a common direction and sense of community can get where they are going quicker
and easier because they are traveling on the thrust of one another
When a goose
falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of flying
alone. It quickly moves back into formation to take advantage of the lifting
power of the bird immediately in front of it.LESSON
If we have as much sense as a goose we stay in formation with those headed where we want to go. We are willing to accept their help and give our help to others.
When the lead goose tires, it rotates back into the formation and another goose flies to the point position.
It pays to take turns doing the hard tasks and sharing leadership. As with geese, people are interdependent on each other's skills, capabilities and unique arrangements of gifts, talents or resources.
The geese flying in formation honk to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.
We need to make sure our honking is encouraging. In groups where there is encouragement, the production is much greater. The power of encouragement (to stand by one's heart or core values and encourage the heart and core of others) is the quality of honking we seek.
When a goose gets sick, wounded or shot down, two geese drop out of formation and follow it down to help and protect it. They stay with it until it dies or is able to fly again. Then, they launch out with another formation or catch up with the flock.
If we have as much sense as geese, we will stand by each other in difficult times as well as when we are strong.
That’s the
congregation we need to be and that we CAN be. But we need us some good soup to
nourish us. And I have a STONE for the
soup. This STONE is magical because this
represents our vision of what we can be.
We can BE that liberal beacon shining in southeast Georgia. We can BE a congregation that folks KNOW
exists because of our visibility – both in terms of our meeting place and in
terms of our good works and advocacy for justice and peace. We can BE a people that teaches our strong
values to our children and reinforces them in us as well. We can BE a community of faith where we can
nurture and heal ourselves and receive the nourishment to nurture and heal the
world. But this vision –this stone, by
itself, will not make the soup. We need
for each of us to go back and look into our cupboards --- and perhaps see what
we are hoarding there in terms of our time, talents, and treasure, and bring
them to share in the soup pot for the greater good. And when we do, we will know – just as I did
when I gave away my dolls, that it is a good and joyful gift. I can just smell
that wonderful soup now. Mmmm mmm good!
May it be so! Honk Honk