Monday, March 14, 2022

Just Jane's Sermons

The Reverend Dr. Jane A. Page
Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Statesboro 
and the Unitarian Universalists of Coastal Georgia
Please note:  These sermons were scripted similar to the sermons that were delivered.  My delivery style is somewhat "folksy" and informal.  Therefore, you may see incomplete sentences, prepositions at the ends of sentences, regional (South Georgia) phrases, etc.  Many of these have been videoed and include a script as well.  Some were done without a script.  Please feel free to "borrow" any stories or examples from these sermons and to share the videos with your congregations.  I only request that you let me know how you used them.  I would also appreciate any feedback.  Just email me !

Sunshine and Showers - Video - April 28, 2024 in Statesboro

      Flowers and Showers Script - April 14, 2024 in Brunswick


Lessons from The Color Purple - video - February 25, 2024 - UU Fellowship of Statesboro
           Sermon Text with Slides - February 4, 2024 Unitarian Universalists of Coastal GA
Lessons from The New Jim Crow - (Video) - January 28, 2024
Lessons from The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. (Video) November 26, 2023, UU Fellowship of Statesboro.

                Sermon Script

Can You Say GOD?  2023 Remix - Video- 8- 27-23 UU Fellowship of Statesboro. 

Are We Free to Choose? - Video - 3-23-23 

               Are We Free to Choose? - Sermon Text
                 Big Questions:  And What of Death - Script - 3-19-23 (Brunswick)
                 How do we know? - Sermon Script

Big Questions:  Why Religion?  Video - January 8, 2023
                 Big Questions:  Why Religion? - Sermon Text
                Exploring UU Values - Love - TEXT
               Readings and Sermon Text
Exploring UU Values:  Interdependence - Video - October 23, 2022 
Exploring UU Values:  Evolution - October 2, 2022 - video
Exploring UU Values:  Generosity - September 11, 2022 - video
Exploring UU Values:  Equity - August  28, 2022 - video
Celebrating Unitarian Universalism with Song!  April 24, 2022 - video   
Celebrating Gender Inclusion - March 13, 2020 (video)
Family - It's Complicated! - February  20, 2022 (video)
Celebrating Our Bodies!  January  30, 2022 (video)
Celebrating Equity:  A Sermon in honor of MLK Day and the 8th Principle of UU. Jan 22
 Celebrating Transitions - A sermon for the  New Year.  January 2022 (video)

Red - the video!  Dec. 5, 2021

               Sermon Script (text)

Return of the Living Dead - online - 10-31-21 (about our attraction to horror stories and films)

            Responsibilities and Rewards:  (Sermon Text) - Statesboro - 9-26-21
Rosh Hashanah and the High Holy Days - online video 9-19-2021

Renewal and Rebirth - online video 9-5-21

The 8th Principle - online video - 8 -1 -21
              8th Principle - Sermon Script

            Sermon Text

We Are... (sermon text)  4-25-21

Resurrecting Joy - (sermon text) - 4-4-21 (Easter)

The Fire of Commitment - online video 3-28-21

Building a New Way - online video 3-7-21

When our Heart is in a Holy Place (message on our common humanity) - online video 2-7-21

There's a River Flowing in my Soul (message on self-worth) - online video 1-31-21


The Ancestors' Breaths - online video - 1-10-21

What Time is it?  online video - 1-3-21

Living in the Twilight Zone - 2020 - online video - 12-27-20

Good Ally - Religious Differences (focus on celebrations of light - online video - 12-13-20

Being a Good Ally - Economic Differences - online video - 11-22-2020

Jane's Election Reflection - online video - 11-8-2020

Being a Good Ally - Differing Abilities - online video - 10-25-2020

Committing to Tomorrow! - online video - 9-27-20

Being a Good Ally - Race &Ethnicity - online video - 9-13-20

Being a Good Ally - online video - 8-23-20

Sea Change Soliloquy - online video - 8-16-20
The Trade-Ins (Twilight Zone Series) - online video -  8-9-20

In the Time of Pandemic - The Interdependent Web - online vide0 - 3-17-20

"Ask Mama Jane" - Question Box Sermon online video - 5 10- 20

Imagine - Peace, Liberty, and Justice for All - online sermon - video - 5-3-20

 Crisis in Democracy - online sermon on 5th Principle - video 4-26-20

Free and Responsible Search for Truth and Meaning - online sermon - video - 4-19-20 

Can I Get a Witness - my Easter 2020 online sermon - video - 4-12-20

The Monsters are Due on Maple Street - video March 8, 2020

The Obsolete Man - video 2-23-2020

The Eye of the Beholder - video - 2-9-2020

Rod Serling:  His Life and Lessons -video- 1-12-20

A Eulogy for my son, Fred Page, III  - delivered January 2, 2020

Rohatsu:  A Celebration of Enlightenment - Video - 12-8-2019

A Place to Grow Gratitude - Video - 11-24-2019
    The text for this message can be found HERE

A Place to Share Love - Video - 11-10-2019
       The text for this message can be found HERE

A Place to Honor Life and Death - Video - 10-27-2019
      The text for this message can be found HERE
Gender and Sexuality: Understanding and Celebrating Who We Are - Video - 10-13-19

A Place to Respond to the Injustices of the World - Video 9-8-19
                               The text for this message can be found HERE

A Place for Community - Video 8-25-19

Moving to the Beloved Community - Audio 7-28-19

The Soul of Democracy - A Readers Theater Conversation - 7-7-19 

We Belong to the Earth - Video 4- 28-19

Amazing Grace - Video - 3-31-19

A New Manifestation -  Video - 3-10-19

This is my Song - Video 2-24-2019

A Firemist and a Planet (Evolutions Sunday) - Video - 2-10-19

African American Spiriuals as Sacred Text  - Video  1-27-1

A Litany on Atonement - Video - 1-13-19

Light  One Candle (a Hanukah Sermon ) - Video - 12-9-18

To Live Deliberately (based on Thoreau's life and writings) - Video - 11- 11-18

We Laugh, We Cry  - Video - 10-28-18

Once to Every Soul and Nation - Video - 10-14-18

The Idea of Democracy (based on words of Lincoln) - Video - 9-23-18

The Answer is YES! - Video - 9-8-18

To Worship:  An Exploration of the Reading by Jacob Trap.  Video - 8-26-18

Ysaye Barnwell:  Her Life and Her Music.  Video - 4-22-2018 

Rev. William F. Schulz and Human Rights - Video - 3-25-2016

Answering the Call:  James Reeb & Viola Liuzzo - Video - 2-25-2018

Mary White Ovington:  Co-Founder of NAACP - Video - 2 -11-2018

Whitney Young:  Bridgebuilder - Video - 1-28-18

Francys Ellen Watkins Harper:  Video - 1-14-18

Clara Barton:  Founder of the American Red Cross - Video - 11-19-17

Margaret Fuller:  The Girl in the Transcendentalist Boys Club - Video - 10-22-17

William Ellery Channing and the Emergence of Unitarianism in America - Video -  10-8-17

Wake Now Our Vision:  Supporting UUFS i 2018 and Beyond - Video - 9-14-17

Hosea Ballou and Universalism:  Loving the Hell Out of Folks!  - Video - 8-27-17

Oh, the Possibilities - Video -  April 23, 2017

Purposely Living and Loving - Video - March 26, 2017

Purple Rain and Other Purple Thangs!  Video -  February 26, 2017

Passion for Goodness Sake - Video - February 12, 2017

The Power of the Prophetic Message - Video - January 29, 2017

Promises to Make, Promises to Keep - Video - January 8, 2017

ThanksLiving - Video - November 27, 2016

What Democracy Looks Like?  A Reflection on the Election.  Video - November 13

(Cry Me A) River Musings - Video - 10-23-16; A Lamentations Message

Up UUrs!  A Canvass Sermon - Video - 10-9-16

Answering the Call:  Past, Present, Future - Video - 9-25-16, on the weekend celebrating 10 years of Ministry at UU Statesboro

Ministry on the Side of Love - Script of sermon shared 9-18-16 on the morning before my installation at the Unitarian Universalists of Coastal Georgia.

The Sexuality of Terrorism - Video - 9-11-16 

Our Sixth UU Source:  Earth-Centered Traditions - Video - 4-24-16

Our Fifth UU Source:  Humanist Teachings - Video - 4-10-16

An Easter Celebration of our 4th Source:  Jewish and Christian Teachings - Video -  3-27-16

Our Third UU Source:  Wisdom from World Religions - Video - 3-13-16

Our Second UU Source:  Words and Deeds of Prophetic Women and Men - Video - 2-28-16

Our First UU Source:  Direct Experience - Video - 2-14-16

The Goal of World Community with Peace, Liberty and Justice for All -  6th Principle - Video - 1-10-16

A Free and Responsible Search for Truth and Meaning - 4th Principle - Video - 12-13-15

The Right of Conscience and the Use of the Democratic Process- 5th Principle - Video, 10-25-15

Justice, Equity, and Compassion in Human Relations -  2nd Principle - Video - 10-11-15

Inherent Worth and Dignity?  First Principle Sermon.  Video  September 27

Nurturing Our Congregation with Enthusiasm (a canvass sermon) video  Sept. 13, 2015

The Interdependent Web of Life - 7th Principle   - text of homily for Ingathering - Aug. 23, 2015

Palm Wavers or Naysayers  (text - including Children's Story)  March 29

Crossing Bridges (video)  February 22 

Building the World We Dream About  (video)  January 11, 2014

Just Simply Living  (video)    November 23, 2014

In Democracy We Trust?   (video)   November 9, 2014

Listening to the Dead  (Video)  October 12, 2014  

New Beginnings  (A video)   August 24, 2014

It’s Human Nature      February 23, 2014

Have You Been to the Mountaintop?      Feb 9, 2014

Just Jane:  A Spiritual Odyssey         January 26, 2014

Building Your Own Theology         January 12, 2014

Celebrating Rohatsu:  The Enlightenment of the Buddha             December 8, 2013

Tearing Down Walls    October 13, 2013

Let Go and Grow    (Ingathering) August 11, 2013

A Visit from John Dewey       June 7, 2013

Spiritual but not Religious?   April 14, 2013

I Know This Rose Will Open    March 31, 2013 – An Easter Sermon (audio link included as well as text)

The Evolution of Love!  Feb. 10, 2013.  A sermon honoring both Darwin and Valentine.

Building the Beloved Community in Statesboro – Jan. 20, 2013 (sermon delivered at the Magnolia Missionary Baptist Church at a joint MLK Sunday worship service with their congregation). This link contains an audio and a text version.  (I recommend the audio – about 15 minutes.)

The New Jim Crow:  Mass Incarceration in an Age of Colorblindness – Jan. 13, 2012 (sermon based on Michelle Alexander’s book of the same name)
            Blue Christmas, White Christmas….. – Text – Dec. 23, 2012

Farewell for Now – June 24, 2012

Faith Wars – March 28, 2012

Four Agreements and More – February 26, 2012

Why Marriage Matters – February, 19 2012

Moving to the Beloved Community – January 22, 2012

Wait Wait….Don’t Tell Me!  (An Advent Sermon) – December 11, 2011

Simply Living and Giving – September 25, 2011

To Be of Use – July 17, 2011

Round and Round We Go Again – May 29, 2011

Celebrating Resurrection – April 24, 2011

Let Your Body Learn to Bend – April 10, 2011

Let the Sun Shine, Let It Rain – March 27, 2011

Play the Music – March 20, 2011

Share the Laughter, Bare the Pain – January 16, 2011

Everybody Turn and Spin - November 14, 2010

Take It As It Passes By – Oct 24, 2010

An Old, Old Story of a Man Called Job – Oct 24, 2010 (story for all ages)

What Time Is It? – October 10, 2010

To Reap the Harvest, Plant the Seed – September 26, 2010

Learn to Follow, Learn to Lead – September 12, 2010

May I Have This Dance – August 22, 2010

This I Believe – June 20, 2010

The Blooming of UUFS – April 4, 2010

Palm Sunday – March 28, 2010

Jane and Julia – February 28, 2010

Facing Your Demons – January 24, 2010

Oh My Soul! – January 10, 2010 

A “Mary” Christmas – December 13, 2009

Come, Come, Whoever You Are… -- A sermon exploring our theological diversity.

God, Sex, andPolitics – October 18, 2009 (Reflecting on my participation in the March for Equality in Washington, October 10-11)

The Power of Three Cups of Tea – September 13, 2009

Can You Say COVENANT? – August 23, 2009

Mama’s Mottos – (A Mother’s Day Sermon) – May 10, 2009

Can You SayHALLELUJAH? – (An Easter Sermon) – April 12, 2009

Spring Forward – (A Canvass Sermon)  February 29, 2009

The Dance of the SevenVeils – February 22, 2009

Can You Say HOPE? – January 25, 2009

Wrestling withGod – January 11, 2009

Shall We PRAY? – November 23, 2008

Human Rights:  Dignityand Justice for All – October 26, 2008 (United Nations Sunday)

Love and Death  -- September 28, 2008

In Praise of Evolution – February 24, 2008.  A sermon shared as part of a celebration of Charles Darwin and the wonder of evolution.

The New Atheists – January 27, 2008.  An exploration of the writings of Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchins, Sam Harris, and Daniel Dennett.

Living with Privilege – December 9, 2007. 

Elizabeth Cady StantonSpeaks on Religion and Women – November 11, 2007.  This “sermon” is taken from various writings of Elizabeth Cady Stanton.  On November 11, Stanton was portrayed by Jane Page at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Statesboro.

Jesus, UU, and You – October 28, 2007

The Theology ofHospitality – October 14, 2007. 

CanYou Say ATONEMENT? – September 23, 2007.  Part of the “Can You Say” series addressing traditional religious language.

The Freedom to Marry – September 9 2007.  A sermon promoting marriage as a civil right for all loving couples – with a surprise ending!

Lest We Forget – April 15, 2007.  A Yom Hoshoah homily remembering the Holocaust

Hallelujah Sunday – Easter 2007!

Tending the Flame      March 18, 2007.  My first canvass sermon (sometimes humorously called, “The Sermon on the Amount”)  The accompanying Story for All Ages entitled, “The Little Red Hen and Her Friends” is also included.

Wake, Now, My Senses:  The Embodiment of Spirituality   March 4, 2007.  A sermon encouraging openness to the unity of body and soul.

If I Had a Hammer    February 4, 2007.  A sermon inspired by Pete Seeger and Millard Fuller.

A Greener Faith   January 28, 2007.  A sermon on religious environmentalism with a proposal for our congregation.

Just Living Simply  December 3, 2006.  A sermon on living justly and simply with compassion with "Plain Jane" suggestions.

Can You Say GRACE?  November 5, 2006.  Part of the "Can You Say" series addressing traditional religious language.

Can You Say AMEN?  October 15, 2006.  One of my "Can You Say" sermons addressing religious language.  This particular sermon also challenges UU's to be more comfortable with participatory worship styles.

Becoming the Beloved Community.  October 1, 2006.  (This was the first sermon delivered by me after my ordination by the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Statesboro.)

The Sacred Depths of Nature.  September 17, 2006.  (This sermon is an exploration of Religious
Naturalism and an examination of my own theology.)

Unveiling Jezebel: The Queen Defends Herself - March 12, 2006 (This is the powerpoint presentation that “Jezebel” – portrayed by Rev. Jane – used to defend herself)

Can You Say Resurrection? - March 27, 2005 (A sermon delivered as part of our UU Resurrection Celebration on Easter Sunday.  The Flower Communion service is also included.)

In Times Like These:  A Theological Spin - November 7, 2004  (A sermon delivered the Sunday after the election)

In Democracy We Trust? - October 3, 2004

Religious Naturalism:  Is it for Me - September 5, 2004   (Note:  The "sermon" that was delivered on this date was a "Readers Theater" production based on the paper that I have posted.)

Can You Say GOD? - February 9, 2003

Can You Say UU Evangelism? - December 1, 2002

Marry, Marry, Quite Contrary - October 6, 2002

The UU Church as Mother - May 12, 2002

Who is Santa - December 23, 2001

ThanksLiving - November 17, 2001

Same-Sex Unions :  A Journey from Our Early Christian Roots to Sarah's and Suzie's Wedding at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Statesboro  -  June 3, 2001

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